HOURS for March, April & May / MON - SAT 8 AM to 6 PM / SUN 10 AM to 5 PM

Planters, Pots and Containers can add dramatic appeal to any landscape or patio

Although there are no RULES, we have included a few tips to help you create a lasting display.

The information below for pots and containers applies to hanging baskets as well.

  1. Soil Volume Counts! The larger the pot for roots and water retention are key to maintaining a healthy pot during our summers. 14-inch diameter pots would be a good starting point and go up in size from there.
  2. The material the pot is made of is not as important as the LOOK you are trying to achieve, your budget, and if it is sufficient in size. Plastic, fiber, foam, concrete, steel, and wood are a few of the options. All are fine as long as they have drain holes and can handle the extreme weather conditions.
  3. Saucers can be useful during the hot summer months especially if you have some smaller containers that dry out frequently. Saucers are not a necessity for the cooler months and wintertime, just be sure to allow the pot to dry thoroughly if you use a saucer when it is not brutally hot.
  4. Flowers and Plants that are in containers, pots, baskets, and planters that are normally Perennial; may freeze out due to being exposed above ground during a severe winter. The plants are not as insulated as they are when planted in the ground.
  5. Assorted plants or one type filling the pot? Sorry, but no help from us here... that is your call. Both are very attractive and appealing. Whether it be a mass planting of petunias in one pot, or a mixed variety with many colors and types. The possibilities are endless, but you MUST make sure the pots have the correct sun requirements.

If you need help deciding what to do with your container, visit The Flower Ranch Basket Factory!

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